Monday, June 3, 2013

The Beginning...

I have jumped on the blogging bandwagon even though I know very little about blogging (so be prepared for mistakes!). I have been thinking about starting a blog for awhile but just couldn't think of a starting point. This week I finally thought of one. Books. I wanted to be able to share all the great books my family and I have found over the years.

If you have ever seen our home, our kids have their very own HUGE bookself. My husband's office is filled with very large bookshelves. We have books in the hallway, our bedrooms, the dining room, and usually(with my sons), on the floor. When we moved into our home from an apartment our fathers both complained about the number of boxes filled with books and now with three kids we have a LOT more books. I buy books frequently. In our community there are these awesome book sales a couple times a year and I get stacks and stacks of books for the kids (and for us too). We take books out of the library to "test" out before I add them to our ultimate wishlist. I have spent countless hours on searching listmania for books on various subjects for my sons. We LOVE books in this house! So I want to share with others the great books we have discovered.

So my plan is to share my/our thoughts on children's books and maybe occasionally throw in some young adult and adult books. I recently got Children's Book A Day Almanac by Anita Silvey out of our local libary so my personal goal this summer is read some of the books that are recommended in there. I like to read the books before my kids get their hands on them so I'm going to be doing some "advanced" reviewing. If I find any gems I'll let you know. I'll probably offer some subject lists (for example, construction books) and links (if I can figure out how to do that...). At first the posts maybe "BOY"-heavy but eventually there will be "GIRL" books too (my daughter is only 4 months old so I have little experience with girl books except for the books I personally loved as a kid).

I hope you enjoy our journey into the wonderful world of books!

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